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Experience 360 Messaging

About Hub360+

#1 UX Messenger


Hub360+ is a global messaging app at its core, supported with potentially unlimited features from an ecosystem of mini -applications, powered by modern Web3 technology.

Introducing 360 Messaging

What is 360 Messaging?

Coming Soon!

Hang with your best friends

Get closer family ties

Focus your work chats

Organise business contacts

Create memories with School

CardHub360 - Digital Name Card

Note the occasional acquantaince

Shop products/services

Talk/Connect with businesses

Business Profiles

Detailed contact fields for multiple personas

In-chat events, tasks, reminders

Create & Send 360° Images & Videos

All core messaging features

B2C chat

Ultimate Generative AI (GPT, Media, Analysis)tools

Create virtual avatars

Explore Hub360+ Hybrid Physical/Virtual World

AI places recommender

Life is messy without organisation! As humans, we are multi-dimensional creatures with many aspects of life (spouse, friend, colleague, shopper, clients, etc) and messaging is a key enabler. Thus, our 360 messaging concept revolutionises connectivity by incorporating modern technology to organise every angle of our multi-dimensional lives, while inspiring joy as we go about it.

The Features.

Core User Features

Key Messaging Features

What you get on existing messaging apps you currently use, is what you will get with Hub360+ as well.

Advanced Contact Management

Easy-to-use capability to segment & filter your contacts according to your life (e.g. Family, Friends, Work, etc).

Enriched Contact Fields

You will be able to save more details of your contact (e.g. where you met, company details, etc). Native integration with CardHub360.

In-chat events, tasks and reminders

Do you have people that tend to 'forget' about appointments or always late? Now you can set up events, tasks and reminders within chat!

360° Images & Videos

A combination of AI and Metaverse elements, you can create dynamic 360° images & videos, and send them to anyone!

Ecosystem of Mini-Apps

An ecosystem of institutional grade mini-applications designed for greater connectivity experiences. Below are some examples!


Enterprise-ready digital name card solution for professionals and companies from all walks of life.

AI-enabled name card scanner

It's annoying to save a physical name card's contact. Our scanner lets you save the contact by using your camera.

Hubbly - Your Virtual AI Assistant

Hubbly is a generative AI who comes with many pre-trained models you can interact with - fitness, sports, arts, career, travel, dating, etc.

Hub360+ Universe

A virtual world with activities that closely mimics real life for anyone to explore. Powered by Hub360+ proprietary Web3 Technology.

Business Features

Business Profiles

Creation of business profiles for legitimate businesses or influential people. Brings about access to organizational features.

Business Profile - Feed

Business profiles have messaging feeds functionality - that allow sharing of content to their profile subscribers.

Business to Consumer Chat

A simple, agent-based, business to consumer functionality that allows for seamless customer interactions.

Intra-organization Collaboration

Add users to your organization and enable internal communications & collaborations, that is separate from personal use.

360° Images & Videos

Create 360° Images & Videos content easily. Can be used for products showcase or augmented reality purposes.

Ecosystem of Mini-Apps

Further enhance your user/client experience by integrating your key functionalities into messaging.


Enterprise-ready digital name card solution for companies to easily manage card templates, employee details, etc.

Products/Services Listings

A product/service catalog for all business profiles, allowing easier discovery and sharing for business growth.

Generative AI Tools

AI Chats for many use case. Writing, Content Creation, Analysis or simply Chats with various AI ‘personalities’ as your virtual assistant.

... and many more!

Give us your feedback on what you would like to see on your messaging apps. Let's revolutionise connectivity, organise lives and inspire joy!

Our Key Objective

To Revolutionize Messaging, Organise Life, Inspire Joy

The Growth Story

Project Hub360+

Investing in You

Our focus is on investing in our users' experience instead of traditional marketing campaigns, that only sends money to already wealthy corporations/individuals.

Full Gamification Experience

Our gamified user experience promises significant rewards for anyone from physical/virtual events we organise or completing Hub360+ app activities.

Global CSR Initiative

We are plannning a global CSR initiative aligned with UN's 17 sustainable development goals. The initiative involves promoting sustainable practices, building infrastructure, and supporting underprivileged communities through education and job training, among other things. Ultimately, we aim to use our platform to inspire happiness!

Based in Singapore

The most trusted place in the world technologically, socially, economically & politically.

Developers 🔋Agencies 💡Businesses ✏️DesignerseCommerce 📝Freelancers ⚡PeopleManagers 👨‍💼

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